Malaysia’s non-trickling down economy

 Polarisation on the ethno-religious line is no longer the only dividing trench among Malaysia's diverse population. The economic divide is splitting the population apart too. Some would simplify it…

Waytha Moorthy has proven his mettle

 What could be an interesting turn of events is the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) which is taking place in a fortnight. Naturally Malaysia will be represented by their toothless agencies to justify…

Money for nothing

What should be of even more grave concern to all Malaysians is the great unknown – just how much more wastage and inefficiencies are there, which are not being investigated? Tricia Yeoh, The Sun

Talk big, do little

Soong Phui Jee, Sin Chew DailyTHE absence of as many as 41 Members of Parliament from the crucial vote-taking of the Prevention of Crime (Amendment and Extension) Bill 2013 when it was tabled for…

DAP facing full-blown crisis

Standing strong: Goh (left) and Lim’s resignations are seen as an open declaration against the pro-Guan Eng faction. (The Star) - The feud between rival DAP factions here has erupted into a…

HRW wants Najib to act against Zahid

(FMT) - The government should act to ensure that the Home Minister’s support for the police to “shoot first” when apprehending criminal suspects is not police policy, Human Rights Watch said today.

The foot is in the mouth … again

 I am writing this article from the heart – fully aware of the consequences. I am well aware that a fellow journalist was arrested for "her own protection". I very well know that I could incur the…