PanChai at Harrods

I drove down to Birmingham over the weekend to attend a franchise exhibition at the NEC and met up with Eddie Lim, the owner of PanChai (SEE THE WEBSITE HERE).

VP race gets hotter by the day

The race for the Umno vice-presidency is wide open now that claims that the top Umno leadership was advocating a status quo has been dismissed as ‘absolutely not true’.Joceline Tan, The Star…

Zahid, the hero for Umno

By bringing back detention without trial and criticising a news portal, Umno vice-president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi endears himself to the Umno hawks to retain his post.G Vinod, FMT It seems like Home…

‘Umno owes Tekun RM1b’

This is following the Tekun CEO’s admission that the financing scheme was set up for Umno and gives priority to Umno applicants. Anisah Shukry, FMT Umno owes almost RM1 billion in unpaid loans to…

Kadazan Society summons Mufti

 (Daily Express) - The Kadazan Society Sabah (KSS) is seeking a sogit (customary penalty) from State Mufti Bungsu @ Aziz Jafaar for insulting and humiliating the Kadazan community by claiming the…

What Utusan doesn’t know about DAP

 Falsehoods and pseudo-logic are being fed to Utusan Malaysia readers and the TV3 audience just to prevent the Malays from truly understanding the DAP. Here are some of the things that Umno, Utusan…

Winds of discontent over Borneo

The problem seems to be that there is no dialogue going on and this is leading to greater frustration among those who want a 'new deal' for Sabah and Sarawak. Rather than any engagement, anonymous…

Borders manager to face syariah charge

 “She is a Muslim and like many Malaysian Muslim women, she wears the tudung as respect for her faith. However, her image as a respectable Muslim woman was severely tarnished because the charge made…

The numbers game

This is the nature of the numbers game that Muslims and Christians love to play. It is a competition to see how many people you can attract to your religion. The more Muslims who become Christians or…