Sliding towards oligarchy

The view that people decide who they vote for is convenient and comforting but totally fictitious, claims the writer.Selvaraja Somiah, FMT Democracy as it is generally understood sits uncomfortably…

Dilemma for PAS

As the party prepares for its 59th annual 'muktamar', calls for the leadership to review current partnership with Pakatan Rakyat is gaining traction.Hawkeye, FMT PAS will once again revisit the…

Why no police action on Umno lies?

Lim Guan Eng takes the authorities to task for their inaction against Umno groups and Utusan Malaysia for spreading lies about the DAP.Athi Shankar, FMT Lim Guan Eng took the police to task for their…

No pressure from anyone to sign TPPA

(Bernama) - The government is not being pressured by any party to sign the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) as claimed by certain quarters, the Dewan Negara was told today.

GST is payment for ‘free dinners’

 But if the government cannot cut expenditure because it has to give "free dinners" every five years, Woo quipped, then it is basically imposing such taxes to make people "pay for their dinners" after…

Same old shameful story

Every year, we recoil in shock when we read the Auditor-General’s Report and yet we hear little about punishment being meted out to those responsible for the colossal loss of billions of…

Leave Pakatan, members tell PAS

Malay–Muslims are losing confidence and trust in PAS because its leadership flip-flopped on various Islamic issue merely to please the DAP. Athi Shankar, FMT A group of PAS members here have called…

Does BN care about the AG Report?

Had the Auditor-General's Report carried any weight, it would have played a role in bringing about the much needed changes.Jeswan Kaur, FMT Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has wasted RM28.8 million to…

Malaysia is worse

 In Malaysia alone, 253 Nepalis migrants died last year (officially), making it easily the deadliest destination for Nepali workers.  Ishwar Rauniyar, Republica 

Kill National Service Before It Kills Again

 In years to come, how many more are going to suffer eating food infested with maggots, how many more are going to be sexually harassed, how many more are going to die? Whose child will it be next?Kee…

Chin Peng, an obituary

Chin Peng, born Ong Boon Hua, 21 October 1924 to 16 September 2013But we didn’t defeat in forcing the British to grant independence to Malaya. Without our struggle, I don’t think the British would…

Throw away the AG report

There is no point in the Auditor-General coming out with his report every year when those consistently bleeding the nation's coffers are let off the hook every time G Vinod, FMT Year in year out,…