PM Saves the World

 Then the PM who refused to debate the Opposition Leader during the Malaysian election suggested to the UN, “All sides must come together to talk and work out solutions to problems together. It really…

Interlok membara di Aswara

 Kontroversi novel Interlok: Edisi Murid yang hangat mulai Disember 2010 nampaknya dihangatkan kembali. Bagaimanapun, pada kali ini, diberikan “twist” atau fakta dimanipulasi sesuka hati untuk…

Mind Your ‘Transformation’, Please!

 Looking at the definitions of persons who can be held liable under the PCA, you can see that almost anybody could qualify. As such, an amended PCA allowing for detention without trial can certainly…

Malaysia’s compromised electoral system

 The EC is listed under the Prime Minister’s Office on the PMO website.It’s not the “foreigner watch”, which I personally think is racist and problematic, that Malaysians should be most concerned…

EC must call for GE13 re-election

We take it that RoS is a government agency with integrity and are following procedures according to the law of this country whereby party elections are deemed void when a handful of members make…

DAP polls: Chin Tong tops the list

The 20 members elected into the CEC were the same as the ones elected in the December polls although there were some differences in the final ranking and votes obtained today. P Ramani and Leven…

‘Beware of DAP’s gang of four’

Disgruntled ex-Teratai rep Jenice Lee says Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and Tan Kok Wai now hold immense power to decide the fate of all DAP elected reps. Leven Woon, FMT Former DAP’s…

Please prove us wrong then

 The rakyat want answers to many of these questions from the government so that they can try to understand why some of these measures need to be continued. If we don’t want to rectify them, how can we…

DAP polls: Ngeh-Nga out of favour?

A 'menu' that urges DAP delegates to vote against Ngeh-Ngah cousins has appeared, while 17 candidates have pulled out of the race at the last minute.  Leven Woon, FMT DAP’s central executive…

PCA has all the characteristics of ISA!

 Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin and others of his ilk can blatantly claim that the PCA and the ISA are not the same but the characteristics of the PCA are based on denial and deception…

Kebalkan kuasa politik Pribumi

 Suasana politik dalaman Umno kini, suka-duka, tidak menggalakkan muda-mudi mendekatinya. Umno harus bina suasana baru; yang dapat memujuk atau menarik generasi baru Melayu Islam dan Peribumi yang…

Transformation: A sharp U-turn?

 Jailing or even executing innocent people has become the greatest blemish in the judicial world. We hate the heinous criminals, but that does not mean we should therefore sacrifice our judicial…

‘Fight extremism’

PM’S CALL AT UNITED NATIONS: Moderation can be a powerful tool and Muslims must unite against those using religion to commit violence

Malaysia kuat jika Melayu, Cina bersatu

Datuk Nazri Abdul Aziz's son, Nedim's RM7.2m house (Berita Harian) - Najib menjelaskan, jika 67 peratus daripada penduduk asal ketinggalan di belakang, ia akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan.“Kita tidak…