Australia’s U-turn on human rights?

This is in stark contrast to an important speech by the Australian Ambassador to China Frances Adamson affirming Australian concerns about human rights in Tibet in Lhasa just a week before the federal…

Umno’s directions

 Another factor that will determine the party's future is whether it will cooperate with PAS. If PAS were to withdraw from the opposition pact, the extreme rightists within the party will be even more…

Maznah – a classic dark horse

Datuk Maznah Mazlan’s entry into the race for the Wanita Umno leadership has changed the game and incumbent Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil cannot take things for granted.Joceline Tan, The Star 

People’s Tribunal wraps up

(The Star) - The final day of People's Tribunal examining the 13th General elections closed Sunday with the head of the legal team Professor Gurdial Singh Nijar due to present his closing statement…

Thank you, now move on

All the silly political ding-dong on the matter like arguing about the ashes of Chin Peng, gives Communism too much undeserved attention. In fact, the government’s stubborn refusal to let Chin Peng…