Malaysia as I see it

 I wonder if ROS is also watching over the Umno elections. There is so much speculation on possible deals to influence the election. I would not be surprised if eventually, the top 2 positions would…

Chin Peng Deserves a Place in His Country

 Imagine this. Police personnel stationed at every entry point into Malaysia from Thailand, including at airports, going through the bags of everyone coming in. As if they have nothing better to do.…

Anwar next PKR president?

Party source reveals that a check-mate situation is brewing steadily in favour of Azmin Ali and Nurul Izzah to oust Khalid Ibrahim from presidential contest. B Nantha Kumar, FMT PKR may witness a…

What Tun wants, Tun gets?

 There are a thousand and one possibilities involving Zahid, Khairy or who's who in the party for that matter, from now until Umno goes to the polls. Or should that be "endless possibilities"? Mohsin…

MEB vs DEB (Bhg 1)

  DEB telah diabaikan dan dasar baru diwujudkan semata-mata kerana hendak melakukan segala-galanya di zaman pemerintahan beliau (Mahathir). Perancangan Pembangunan tidak lagi tersusun mengikut agenda…

History distorted

Our history teachers used to tell us, we must never judge historical events and individuals with our existing standards. Such events and individuals were by-products under a specific historical…