The folly of the majority

 Equity, the new buzzword, or equitable treatment therefore requires the non-Malays to “forego or give up” what they have to allow for equitable treatment to the Malays. So why pretend that we care…

Fickle fingers of fate

 While his old man is around, Mukhriz should take that opportunity to use his influence. At 49, there is not much time left.Another Brick in the Wall 

Coal plant idea being revived

 (Daily Express) - The Federal Government plans to revive the controversial coal-fired power plant that was scrapped in 2011 as part of a long-term plan to solve the State's power woes.

My cat is a communist

"The problem with ideologies is that too often we serve them instead of humanity. Another problem is how in this country we so easily paint the ones we fear or do not understand as evil…

The folly of the majority

I am all for helping the Malays but we must help them properly. By all means, give them scholarships, business loans and other incentives, but why can’t such assistance be part of a holistic economic…

Ties that bind: Sarawak and Adelaide

 “The rally on Thursday will go a long way in raising awareness amongst students as to just who their University is honoring,” said Yasmin.“However, the SRC’s position on the University’s relationship…

Sorry Miley Cyrus, no twerking in Malaysia

 The Malaysian government asserts that all people and religious groups have the right to profess, practice and propagate their faiths — as long as doing so does not violate laws related to public…