‘Utusan has lost its touch’

In this first of a three-part series, former Utusan Melayu editor in chief Said Zahari touches on what the paper used to stand for and how it has deviated from its ideals (FMT) - On July 21 1961,…

Give more ads to Utusan, says Najib

Najib waving to Utusan Melayu staff during a tour of its new building while Hashim cheers him on (right). (The Star) - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hopes that government agencies,…

Great reductions in job inequality

Among younger generations of Malaysians, there is a higher proportion of Malays who have received the Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE/SPM) than Chinese and Indians. In this column, I examine…

History is not always the best judge

Many years down the road the Islamists will talk about the attempted ‘Christianisation’ of Sabah and how the PBS government of Sabah led by Pairin Kitingan tried to erode the power of Islam and the…

Gen Y, a force to be reckoned with

(The Malaysian Times) - GENERATION Y is a generation that has arrived. Popularly referred to as the Generation Y, Gen Y for short, those born between the early 1980s and early 2000s are variously…

Sleepwalking to disharmony?

 The survey makes it quite clear that, for most Singaporeans, race and religion still matters. But let us not be fixated by them. We all have multiple identities, with context determining when one…

My 100 days in prison

 This is cruel, inhuman and a degrading treatment for a country. A nation is not judged by its skyscrapers but by how its prisoners are treated.by P Uthayakumar

Terrorism in Southeast Asia and a new order

 The influence of radicalisation is also incited in the literary world where implications and just cause of jihad is propagated. Religious justifications are easily available on websites and this will…

Time for reflection

I believe more Malaysians, especially the Chinese, should show their trust in the Prime Minister if we want to help him be more effective. Sometimes we are unsure if he will be bolder if we give him…

Malaysia Day is just a day….

 Visnu Natesan Malaysia Day marks the formation of Malaya, North Borneo (Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore. Malaysia Day is as important as our Merdeka Day. The day reminds us of the union between West…