In defence of Fathul Bari

 With his words public, I can convince how perhaps we do not really need ulamas if what they know seem mostly irrelevant, and has not much practical value.Zurairi AR, MMO 

Allah Yang Naikkan Harga Barang?

Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin Apabila artikel ‘Kenaikan Harga Barang Ketetapan Allah’ muncul di saat rakyat sedang merasai ancaman kenaikan harga barang akibat potongan subsidi minyak oleh pihak…

With the will of Allah

Hence do we now blame Allah or blame Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak for the recent increase in the price of petrol? Najib is powerless and would not be able to increase the price of petrol if Allah…

Asian academia faces language block

Malaysia, as a country that was once partly Anglophone, and where English was once spoken well, has to make a choice sooner or later. While it remains the case that we cannot deny or neglect the…

Indonesia’s woes are Asean’s problems

As investors see ASEAN as a whole, Indonesia’s market jitters could affect its neighbours. Other ASEAN economies also rode the wave of loose United States monetary policy. With this wave ending, they…

Harris blames local reps for Sabah’s woes

 According to Majid, prior to Tunku Abdul Rahman Al-haj’s announcement of a proposal to form Malaysia on May 27, 1961 at the International Press Club in Singapore,  Stephens, Sarawakian and Bruneian…

Malaysians expect a shadow cabinet

  A shadow cabinet makes it easier for the people as well as journalists and others to find appropriate spokespersons from the opposition coalition in a policy debate. For example, the shadow…

How Meritocracy Entrenches Inequality

 Meritocracy, defined as a system that rewards according to ability or achievement and not birth or privilege, may be unfair precisely because it is blind to differences of class, wealth and social…

The crime of marginalisation

 Crime of violence with a penchant for brute force like racketeering, kidnapping, murder, extortion, drug/human trafficking, tend to be the workings of those whom have the least to lose, those on the…

Putting God on Trial

 How does BN expect national security to remain intact when it decided to put God on trial, literally, creating psychological unrest for Malaysians irrespective of their religious beliefs?  Jeswan…

NS trainees want out of camp

Three dirty pillows on a bed in one of the rooms inside the NS White Resort camp in Balik Pulau, Penang. (The Star) - A source told The Star that the camp used to be one of the best NS sites in the…

When a bunch of losers talk

For seven general elections you sucked Dr Mahathir’s dick and licked Umno’s arse. Today, you write an editorial lambasting Dr Mahathir. I think you are 35 years too late. Why repeat what we have been…

The future of MCA

The discord between Dr Chua and Liow has long been an open secret. However, it has recently evolved into an increasingly intense war of words. The party election scheduled to be held in the end of…

‘Umno has been daring, proactive’

MOVING FORWARD: Some have suggested that the upcoming Umno election will be stiffer than the 13th General Election. After all, how the party election pans out will have a direct impact on who will…