Dr Mahathir nafi tahu Projek IC

Lee Shi-Ian, TMITun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini berkata, beliau tidak pernah mendengar mengenai "Projek IC" sehingga baru-baru ini dan tidak pernah mengeluarkan mana-mana perintah berkaitan pemberian…

Awaiting Justice in Malaysia

 Malaysia needs a genuinely independent oversight body that has the power to investigate cases on its own. This body must be accountable to Parliament and the public, and be given enough resources to…

PAS Besut calon Nik Amar lawan Mat Sabu

 Hasbullah Awang Chik, TMI (TMI) - PAS Besut mencalonkan Timbalan Menteri Besar Kelantan, Datuk Nik Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah untuk mencabar penyandang jawatan timbalan presiden Mohamad Sabu dalam…

Bersediakah Umno melakukan transformasi?

 Apa yang menimbulkan kemusykilan ialah sikap pucuk pimpinan tertinggi parti itu. Apakah mereka benar-benar bersedia menerima proses transformasi dalam parti itu atau ia hanya sekadar retorik?Berapa…

Janji Mesti Ditepati

It therefore must come to a complete disappointment to many that after 5 months of BN being voted into power, other than the HINDRAF chair Waytha Moorthy being appointed a Deputy Minister, nothing…

Basuki More Popular Than Joko, Poll Finds

 In many ways, Indonesia and its electorate are liberalising at a rapid pace, beyond Malaysia. It's amazing that a non-Muslim, Chinese politician can poll at 98.3% popularity in Jakarta, and be a lead…

My take on ‘Islam and Democracy’

Democracy should not be enjoyed only once every five years. Democracy should not be just about voting in the elections. Democracy should not be just about choosing 798 representatives to sit in…

Islam and democracy

To understand this discourse, one needs to know the point of divergence between Islam and democracy and how certain practices in democracy may not be acceptable to Islam.The acceptance of democracy…

Teo and group stages LDP coup

(The Star) - A coup has been staged in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) with one faction holding a supreme council meeting Tuesday and sacking the party president Datuk V.K.Liew.

NUS ranked as top university in Asia

 The university, which was inaugurated in 1991, said that its rise in the rankings in recent years reaffirms its “standing as the fastest rising Asian university in the world’s Top 50”.Today Online 

Talk about what Anwar?

 Anwar's call for talks with BN is to buy time so that he can cook up something else to make him remain relevant to Malaysians and to Pakatan.CT Ali, FMT 

Malaysia Social Media Statistics

 Malaysia Asia  Many have been wondering what the social media statistics have been for Malaysia and in this article, I have taken the imitative to highlight some of Malaysia's Social Media Statistics…