When politicians talk

How do they know that the Syrian government is the culprit? Well, simple really, because the British supplied the Syrian government with the chemicals needed to manufacture chemical weapons although…

Struggling for the soul of PAS

If this is successful, the party under the liberal faction will be toeing the PKR line, with one objective being to make Anwar the prime minister if Pakatan Rakyat can come to power. (The Ant…

How far are we distant from each other?

The Chinese community must get rid of the figure dispute and find a way to narrow the perception gap, as well as resolve the internal conflicts and the conflicts with the government, to find a way out…

A fight to keep Gerakan relevant

The next leader of Penang Gerakan will either be a ‘fighting cock’ or an idealistic lawyer, both of whom hope to keep the party from sinking into oblivion after two disastrous general…

Kenapa Anwar gagal? (Bhgn 2)

 Anwar seharusnya keluar terus daripada bayang-bayang Umno dan serahkan perjuangan parti itu kepada golongan muda yang tidak pernah menjadi ahli atau menyertai Umno. Sudah tiba masanya, pemimpin muda…

Time for Ulama to reign – PAS

 (Malaysia Times) - Supporting Nasrudin is PAS Mursyidul Am Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who  had also signalled his support for ulama leadership in PAS. The retired Kelantan mentri besar wants incumbent…

To keep or to change Jalur Gemilang?

 The sole function of any flag is to deliver a message. The on-going controversy on the Sang Saka Malaya flag is not so much about the flag design, as a matter of fact; it is about the other version…

Hysterical hostility

Some of our politicians seem to be seeing shadows behind everything where there is none. From their perspective, there is intrigue, a hidden agenda and suspicious motives everywhere.Wong Chun…

Let the mobs rule then, says Zaid

(MM) - Malaysia may as well return to mob rule instead of settling disputes through the courts, a former de facto law minister suggested today as Islamic authorities here flex muscle before Tuesday's…

Umno polls to usher in a new era

Umno’s maiden attempt at democratising its election process is more likely to produce a mixed bag than the dream team of leaders that some are expecting.The pro-Umno bloggers have been quite…

PAS must focus on substance

PAS must also realise that it is heading towards tumultuous years ahead, carrying bruises of perceived underperformance in the 13th General Election, most evidently by its loss of the state of…