The other side of the coin

 A foreign woman and her child seen in the convenience shop at Ridzuan Condominium. The letter from Ridzuan Condo reminded me of all the contempt when people looked at me; of the time I was asked if I…

Arab Spring: Death to humanity

 If the attack takes place and its results go as planned, many people will say the United States did it for its own interest. If the attacks don’t go as planned, then we will blame Washington and…

Beauty of being Malaysian

While our nation is a country of endless possibilities, it is also a land of endless contradictions. Well, it may be hard for many of us to believe but this is the Land of Countless Contradictions,…

Usaha buang Waytha

Subky Abdul Latif, MMTidak yang lebih tepat untuk dikatakan, luahan beberapa menteri terhadap sikap Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Waythamoorthy tentang lima orang yang ditembak polis di Pulau…

Tanda Putera falls flat

Shallow research and shoddy attempt by the producers of the movie did not portray true essence of the May 13 incident. K. Pragalath, FMTShuhaimi Baba’s Tanda Putera is a pathetic attempt to create a…

Ahmad Nisfu: Nasib seniman Malaysia

P. Ramlee memanggilnya Pak Besar kerana lubang hidungnya yang besar. Tagline ini yang membuatkan Ahmad Nisfu terkenal.  Oleh Melati Pusaka, FMT Sebut sahaja Ahmad Nisfu, semua orang kenalinya kerana…

Tell me what else is new

 Yes Mahathir is right! We must kongsi. For every ringgit that we make, we must kongsi a percentage with culprits that masquerade as politicians, government servants and their machais. CT Ali, FMT 

Conservatives vs liberals in PAS

 There seem to be fear that the ideologies of opposition leaders may split PAS into two factions. “While political observers brand the consequences of 2008 as a political tsunami, I would for one…

When it is no longer cricket

In fact, more than 70% of the Umno members at that time were teachers, writers, newspaper editors, poets, intellectuals, etc. They were well-read people who only wanted what was best for the country.…

The Great Malaysian Story

It’s a bit like the Animal Farm these days. Pigs, cows and dogs have made appearances. The sheep are ever present and can be relied upon to be compliant and blindly loyal. Indeed, this has been a…