The mystery of ‘jaguh kampung’ pride

Erna Mahyuni, MM On the world stage, you have to actually be good. It helps to have a famous backer, no doubt, but making it in Malaysia is a poor indicator of how well you will do overseas. Yet we…

Nayagan and the Indian Gangsterism

 Just like politics, gangsterism is a career option that does not require education or qualification. The poverty dilemma promotes the concept of gangsterism for survival. When you have nothing,…

Pas Tidak Lindungi Ahli Syiah

 Mohd Amar menerima cenderamata yang disampaikan Nazeri ketika kunjungan semalam (Sinar Harian) - Pas Kelantan tidak akan melindungi mana-mana ahli parti mahupun pimpinan yang betul-betul didapati…

The ‘taikos’ behind Indian gangs

 (Sin Chew Daily) - The 04 gang which blatantly challenged the police's authority of late is like other numbered gangs in the likes of 08, 36 and 18, having its origins in Chinese triads and was once…

The frightening 71%

 (Sin Chew Daily) - The question is, what are the root causes of crimes? Without solving the root causes, crackdown operations would only be palliative moves that would not solve the underlying…

Unity is in the hands of our kids

Our children must learn to play together and share common experiences, rites of passage and values. Getting our children together is the most effective way in future- proofing the nation, and driving…

90 workers head to Malaysia

Bangladeshi workers in queue at Shahjalal International Airport before they leave for Malaysia    2000 are expected to go each week Rabiul Islam, Dhaka Tribune 

Nation’s biggest ever crackdown soon

 Once arrested, the illegal immigrants will be deported immediately.  (The Star) -  The authorities will conduct raids mainly in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang and Johor which have been identified as…

Miss Malaysia – Not for Muslims?

When the organiser of Miss World Malaysia Anna Lim said that “As Malaysia is a multi-racial country, we have to show respect to the Muslim community”, I wonder: Do we respect Islam or Muslims? In…

Left and right versus the centre

I believe, with the right leadership, the centrist movement can be bigger than the left and right. Umno and PAS will lose a lot of supporters to this centrist movement if it is a credible movement.…

Righteousness and justice

Frankly speaking, the legal system is generally Greek to many members of the public. The verdict has all the more puzzled the public and begs a question: can righteousness and justice be upheld…

Restoring Faith in Humanity

 RH administrators believe that a compassionate world would not be a reality if we just constantly criticize our fellow humans and distance ourselves from them. It is only by performing our own acts…

Hebatnya Rasulullah

Penulis memperkatakan mengenai salah sebuah buku yang sedang dibacanya dalam usaha mengenali tokoh-tokoh hebat dunia. Sebagai seorang individu yang cukup bertuah kerana dilahirkan di negara Malaysia…

Indonesia to host Miss World

(Bangkok Post) - The Miss World beauty pageant will go ahead in Indonesia next month despite objections from the country's leading Islamic federation, an organiser said Tuesday.

DAP wants RCI on May 13 riot

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang says the money spent to finance Tanda Putera movie will be better used to establish an independent inquiry to find out the truth behind May 13 tragedy. (FMT) - DAP today…