‘So who killed Altantuya?’

The verdict on the two former policemen illustrates the failure of the system, says Lawyers for Liberty's N Surendran, who is also a PKR leader.Alyaa Azhar and Leven Woon, FMTLawyers for Liberty…

So, who killed Altantuya? And why?

(TMI) - Seven years on, no one has paid the price for the death of Altantuya Shaariibuu. And no one knows why the pretty Mongolian was killed one night in October 2006.

True Meaning of being Malaysian

 We view people based on their color, social status, wealth, power, influence, etc. We are forgetting that once we were looked down by the British during the colonial era. All of us were treated as…

BN mind-set has to change

 It is now 111 days since the new BN government came to power on the back of a transformation and “promises made will be fulfilled” platform. 111 days is time enough to get some foretaste of what is…

Airy-fairy Slogan May Suit Najib Well

 As a slogan per se, it’s lame. It’s not action-oriented. Compared to it, ‘1Malaysia’ has at least a semblance of concreteness. It symbolises an ideal state – of national unity and racial harmony,…

Malaysia’s Najib Weakens

 Publication of Najib's vain attempt to reach across the aisle to the opposition is considered to have weakened the prime minister further, partly because of Mahathir's implacable enmity against…

DAP to hold fresh polls on Sept 29

 (FMT) - “The CEC held its meeting today and we have decided that our Special National Congress will be held on Sept 29. “We also decided that candidates of re-elections will be from the same list…

Islam and modernity

Just as it is not reliable to measure the depth of the sea at low tide, it is not fair to evaluate civilisations and cultures at a low point in their history.Shad Saleem Faruqi, The Star A…

Police challenge gangs to bring it on!

(The Star) - Khalid said: “Crime is a living thing and we must adjust to an ever changing situation. The police will recommend whatever is necessary to ensure the safety and security of Malaysians.”

Malaysia/Israel, Endless Possibilities

 We wonder how much money was spent by the consultants in Prime Minister’s inner circle for coming up with this new slogan that will ‘complement’ the previous 1Malaysia slogan. Think of all the tax…

Christian Church opens doors to Muslims

St John's Episcopal Church has opened its doors to Muslims for Friday prayers (BBC) - Christians and Muslims do not have to agree with one another. 'But they can learn to respect each other's…