DAP to accept re-election directive

Karpal says the decision was reached last night in a CEC meeting to avert party de-registration.  Leven Woon, FMTIn an about turn, the DAP has decided to accept the Registrar of Societies’ (ROS)…

When morons masquerade as God

We have travelled and lived around the world where Houses of God welcome everyone irrespective of creed for prayer and refuge.Vidal Yudin Weil, FMTSome of Malaysia’s Muslim clerics are poisoning the…

It’s 2006 all over again

Hence to attack Pak Lah would not bring him down because there is nothing to hit him with. So we had to look for another target (bomb the water to bring down the dam strategy). And this target was his…

Najib’s Peace Overtures

Presumably the Najib gambit opens another front against Mahathir, who has been allowing surrogate bloggers to attack the wounded prime minister ever since the election, in addition to delivering…

Ruling multiracial Malaysia

There’s no need to wonder who should rule in Putrajaya: what’s more important is how they rule.June H. L. Wong, The Star LEE Kuan Yew got it right. Whether it is Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat…

Unnecessary Censorship in Malaysia

Perhaps by easing the rules and regulations on what is acceptable for us to see, hear and think, we as a society will have the space to discuss these matters in a mature manner and grow. I am not a…

Polis kesal orang ramai kurang kerjasama

Mohd Jasmani menunjukkan borang yang diedarkan kepada orang ramai setiap kali menjelang cuti sempena hari perayaan. (Sinar Harian) -  Sambutan dingin dan kurangnya kerjasama orang ramai terhadap usaha…

Christian Church opens doors to Muslims

St John's Episcopal Church has opened its doors to Muslims for Friday prayers(BBC) - Reverend Poobalan adds: ''I felt very distressed when I saw my neighbours praying out in the cold and I knew I…

Does Kuan Yew fear a Pakatan rule?

It is in Lee Kuan Yew's interest for BN to hold on to power forever as he has seen what Pakatan can do in Penang and Selangor, and this would challenge his Singapore. He would most definitely not…

Use of CPA soon to curb crime

(The Star) - “The question of new preventive laws does not arise at the moment and those accusing the Government of attempting to enact new draconian laws are jumping the gun.

Lee Kuan Yew

It’s obvious to me that we need to give up the present culture of race-based policies, not because LKY said so, but because they simply don’t work.Zaid Ibrahim