Nine years on

Today, there is really no longer any need for Malaysia Today. Today, there are thousands of Blogs and news portals that are doing the job that Malaysia Today has been doing over the last nine years…

Kalau Mohd Najib masih peduli

A Kadir Jasin, TMI Mungkin saya ketinggalan zaman. Mungkin saya haiwan purba (dinosaur) yang tidak pupus. Mungkin kerana itu dari awal-awal lagi saya mementang pemansuhan Akta Keselamatan Dalam…

Tony Fernandes: Change is important

Air Asia founder believes Malaysians enjoy being "spoon-fed" by the government and "do not like change".Lisa J. Ariffin, FMT Tony Fernandes believes that most Malaysians rely on the government too…

Pak Lah: I only gave an interview

(The Star) - Former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has clarified that the newly-published Awakening: The Abdullah Years In Malaysia has nothing to do with him beyond an interview he gave to…

A Few Words From A Censor

This job is very important. I keep telling my wife and nine kids that I guard society’s morals. I don’t like to angkat bakul, but fact is fact. Audiovisual mediums embed a strong imagery into…

Online News On The Line

One online news editor said “if you can cover about 70 percent of your operating expenditure, that’s already a good operation.” That’s how dire it is. Whether your investor is an “angel” or a…

Minister backs ‘Shia conversion’

Separation: Shiite refugees (right side of the blue cloth) participate in Idul Fitri prayers at a mosque near their camp in Sidoarjo, East Java, on Thursday. The Shiite followers are saying their…

Where is the insult?

A surau is a prayer room or hall. It is not quite a mosque. You can even have a prayer room or surau in your home or place of work. But even if it is a mosque what is wrong if non-Muslims use it to…

Najib’s Peace Overtures

Anwar confirms Malaysian PM's feelers for a unity government Najib's next test is the UMNO annual general assembly, scheduled for later this year. For the first time, as a result of reforms…

High time to bin the race card

If the government is sincere in wanting to pursue its national reconciliation agenda, it should strive to promote a true Malaysian identity. Respect must be earned and not imposed especially on a…