An open letter seeking help from JAKIM

Tapai, as we all know, is a traditional Malay kuih that is prepared by fermenting pulut or ubi kayu. But, as we all also know, when you ferment food stuff, it turns into alcohol. Yes! I said alcohol!…

Lee Kuan Yew, telling it like it is

(TMI) - Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first prime minister and the father of the island republic's current prime minister Lee Hsien Loong, launched his latest book "One Man's View Of The World"…

Di antara Islam dan ke-Islam-an

Stevie Chan, TMIPerasaan saya begini: selagi saya masih seorang rakyat Malaysia yang berkongsi nasib dan masa depan bersama semua rakyat jelata, saya rasa rencana ini wajib saya tulis.

Fiddling away while Rome burns

Nero Women were killed through violent falls caused by ferocious bag snatchers. Robbers, burglars, murderers, assassins, gangsters, thugs, rapists and molesters plagued our daily lives.KTemoc

‘Jangan mudah lupa’

We the rakyat are burdened today by the follies committed by Umno with their corruption and cronyism.The other reason we cannot ignore Mahathir and his family is their insane wealth. They have money…

Spoilt Malaysians and economic realities

Malaysian consumers think that it's their birth right to be able to buy chicken and everything else at low prices all the time. If consumers use their own money without subsidies (taxpayers’ money)…

Selamat Hari Raya – Somethings are Amiss

Instead, we have the big taxpayer funded open houses by politicians and corporate bigwigs. I do not attend such functions simply because there is no fellowship. As long as a guest has had something…

Finally they are talking

Then I related the story about how soon after Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi took over as Prime Minister the pro-government and pro-opposition Bloggers joined forces to bring him down. I also related the…

Between an opinion and the law

In a democracy, laws are made by an elected legislature and an opinion of humans should not have any legal weight.But looking at the laws, in particular the Syariah Criminal Offences laws, it would…

Umno jangan guna isu Syiah

Arab Saudi yang diketahui mempunyai hubungan diplomatik yang buruk dengan Iran juga tidak pernah bertindak sedemikian terhadap lebih tiga juta pengikut Syiah di negara mereka.Fazil Murad, The…