Higher fuel costs from 2014 for consumers?

(TMR) - Malaysians can expect to pay higher electricity bills from early 2014 when the government is expected to implement its Fuel Cost Pass Through (FCPT) mechanism and pass on higher fuel costs…

Follow Kedah by gazetting anti-shia fatwa

(Bernama) -  “From what we know, Shia will bring war, hostility and killings. We are lucky as we are members of the Sunnah Wal Jamaah and followers of Imam Shafie where there is no difference and…

Define slander

Yesterday, it was confirmed that Shafee will be acting as the prosecutor in the government’s appeal against the court ruling that found Anwar not guilt of sodomy earlier this year. Shafee says I…

MCA’s future

 For party outsiders, the focus is actually not on who is going to lead the MCA in the future, but what kind of party would the MCA be after changing its leadership. Lim Mun Fah, Sin Chew Daily

1m signatures to shut down Lynas

Himpunan Hijau will set up 10,000 signing stations across Malaysia on Aug 24. A rally is also planned in October. (FMT) - Wong said he would “be under the trees” at Dataran Merdeka and would not budge…

Dayaks given the wrong end of sugarcane

There is now a pervasive sentiment among Dayaks that they are being treated as third class bumiputera by the federal government. (FMT) - “After virtually 50 years within Malaysia many Malaysians…