Ditch preventive laws, says DAP

Ex-IGP Abdul Rahim Noor’s admission that police are crippled without the Emergency Ordinance only proves their decline in competence and professionalism, argues Tony Pua. (FMT) - He said Prime…

The uneasy peace

The younger generation, those born long after the 1950s, need to understand this. And they need to understand plus respect both the letter and the spirit of what our Founding Fathers (or founding…

4 dropped from pageant

Mufti reminds Muslims that beauty contests are forbidden (NST) - Wan Zahidi reminded Muslims against participating in beauty queen contests because it was forbidden in Islam.He said an edict on the…

Malay-ness this, Malay-ness that

Yet communal politics is alive and well here. Every year, every month leading up to a by-election, general election, Malaysians are subjected to rumours and hatred is fuelled. Malay supremacy is at…

Storm in a teacup

The writer is baffled over the resistance to the move to make Titas a compulsory subject. Titas was already mandatory for Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia students more than 30 years ago and it…

Respect all races and faiths

With all the racial tension and unhappiness taking place, it is a wonder how Najib intends to pull off the national reconciliation agenda. The word “Allah” has been used by the Sikhs and Christians…

How to avoid being seditious

Here are probably eight things you would have to consider before speaking in Malaysia to avoid having a ‘seditious tendency’. By JoFan Pang, FMTTo kick-start this collaboration between MyConsti and…

Anwar’s secret accounts

 The party that has capacity to investigate the existence of the secret accounts is the government. They would not waste a single second if they have evidence to pounce on Anwar. The fact they did…