The Red Bean Army witch-hunt

 (FMT) - The BN government is all riled up with the RBA alleging that it has demeaned the police profession. But what does the rakyat make of cops who do everything wrong by the book?

MCA wants TITAS to include other faiths

 (The Malay Mail) - Making the Islamic and Asian Civilisation Studies (TITAS) subject compulsory for all Malaysian tertiary students will foment religious tension as it focuses on just one creed, MCA…

The Gardenia vs Massimo bread war

Why has the battle gone overboard so as to drag the innocent bread consumed by whomever who wants to, into a business involving the various communities in our country? Sakmongkol, TMIWhile our PM…

What exactly is RPK driving at?

 Whenever Mosque Al-Aqsa is mentioned in the media, it shows the picture of Mosque (Dome of the Rock). Zionist ConspiracyIn the first place the 3rd holiest place is not the Dome of the Rock but it is …