PM Says One Thing, Ministers Say Another!

The real reason the Government would want to retain the Sedition Act – and Zahid should really be honest about this – is to use it to silent political dissent. And this has been proven in practice…

Jesus, the Prophet of the Muslims

The Muslim belief is that the inscription in the Dome of the Rock is an ‘Islamic’ inscription and dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad and the religion of Islam because of two words -- ‘Muhammad’ and…

A case against the minimum wage

What determines the level of productivity and hence the wages? asks the writer.  By Medecci Lineil, FMTI was very pleased to read last week’s headlines all carried a variant of…

Egypt : The Next President

{youtube}QeDm2PrNV1I{/youtube}12 year old boy excoriates the Muslim Brotherhood, relentlessly dissecting their power grab for Egypt.  

Me a bumiputra? No thank you

 Tunku Abdul Aziz, what I need is equality, equal opportunity, justice and fair treatment by the government. I want to be respected as an individual Malaysian. That is all I need.Tota, Aliran 

MCA in a dilemma over president Soi Lek

 Can MCA’s political doldrums be reversed? (The Malay Mail) - After the ninth general election in 1995, there were 100 Yang Berhormat in the party, comprising 30 MPs and 70 assemblymen. In GE10…

How to leak and not get caught

If you hope to leak national security information and avoid prosecution, don’t do it solo, as Snowden (and perhaps Cartwright) did. Bring a posse of like-minded leakers with you to muddy your tracks.…

Islam, Egypt and political theory

The Economist ON the face of things, this week's events in Egypt have validated a theory about Islam and society that seemed contrarian when it was first floated. In 1992 a French analyst of the…

‘Lower teaching entry bar’

(NST) - The government must lower the teaching entry requirement for students who excel in sports and those from the Orang Asli community, said the National Union of Teaching Profession (NUTP)…

No god but God

Many Muslims resent it if we call Islam ‘political Islam’ and if we say that Islam spread at the point of the sword. They consider this as negative publicity and will say that this is western…

Ideological divide in Egypt

This clash of opposing ideologies is at the heart of the struggle in Egypt, and may well play out in other Muslim countries with varying degrees of intensity. And here, there are many parallels to…

The rising cost of living

Malaysia's debt-to-GDP ratio is 53.4% as at the end of 2011, and therefore still relatively safe. But if government weans us off subsidies but installs new forms of spending, this brings us back to…