A Malay country

KTemoc KonsidersDina Zaman's article Something to think about in the Malay Mail Online (drawn to my attention by RPK's Malaysia Today) provides irrefutable statistics on the Malay voting dominance.…

The time for consultation is over

Zaid Ibrahim, TMI The Government's decision to withdraw the Conversion Bill is welcomed. Although the Deputy Prime Minister was quick to add the decision to withdraw had been made "for now",…

Situasi PAS ‘bukan dominan’

Ya, PAS kini sebuah parti besar, berkembang pesat dan mendapat perhatian istimewa masyarakat, selaras slogan "PAS for All". Walaupun mempunyai jumlah ahli Parlimen terkecil berbanding DAP dan…

Setting the tone

Our thoughts and opinions are guided by four principles; the rule of law, limited government, free markets, and individual liberty and responsibility.The country is still grappling with the…

Estimated Indian Voters : GE14

 Between the GE’s of 2004 and 2008, there was an increase of only 13,800 new Indian voters showing a mere 1.9% increase. However, between the GE’s of 2008 and 2013 there was an incredible 233,456 new…

Resolving an unresolvable issue

Hence is there only one Rabb or many Rabbs? And if there were only one Rabb then the Christians would share the Rabb of the Muslims. And since we have only one Rabb and we all share the same Rabb and…

When two interests collide

Anyway, today my concerns were proven right. We are seeing Parliament moving in one direction and then the opposite direction a day or two later. And this is because we have so many conflicts of…