Goodbye ACCORD, Hello PERDANA!

The Honda Accord 2012 will be phased-out and will reemerge as the new Proton Perdana Apparently, PROTON intends to replace the Perdana with an interim model, pending the new Perdana

Authorities see red over Air Asia uniforms

 (AsiaOne) - The maverick-owner of Asia's largest budget carrier got a dressing down on Tuesday by the country's Transport Ministry over the propriety - or the lack thereof - of the uniforms worn by…

Something to think about

To understand Malaysia in its entirety is to realise and accept that the majority of Malaysians are the Bumiputeras (“The Princes of the Earth”), and that the Malays make up the majority of the…

Custodial deaths a national shame

Justice served: Kugan’s mother Indra Nalathamby leaving the court. Kugan’s family was awarded RM751,709 in damages and another RM50,000 in costs. Our enforcement officers must appreciate, if not be…

Can Umno stop money politics?

Under the new system, 146,500 party members from 191 divisions will be involved in electing the president, deputy president, vice-presidents and 25 supreme council members. However not all 146,500…

On Being Raped

Not once did you ever visit the games village to check on the security situation. We hope that you will do the right thing and resign and take full responsibility for what has happened. Kamariah…

Be, and it shall be

I, however, look at this from a very different perspective. Yes, Islam says that all God has to do is say ‘be’ and so it shall be. However, life is more complicating than that and God does not ‘rule’…