A different paradigm

Malik Imtiaz Sarwar I have been finding writing my monthly opinion piece an increasingly challenging task over the last year. It is not for a lack of material; this country is a veritable…

Where art thou, Najib?

Ex-Convent Girl In our 56 years since independence we have seen some pretty interesting characters presiding over our nation as Prime Minister. The most notorious must surely be Dr Mahathir…

Anwar, how do you sleep at night?

Ex-Convent Girl So Pakatan supporters are once again crying foul over the recent guilty verdict that will put you behind bars. So they slam the judiciary (once again!) for corrupt practices.…

The Kajang farce

Hafiz Noor Shams, The Malay Mail I am not particularly warm to the Kajang move but it had its significance. I write in the past tense because Anwar Ibrahim is not in the equation anymore after…

The race against race

Mohsin Abdullah, Fz.com SO, TAN SRI Joseph Kurup did not use the word “race” when campaigning for BN in Kajang a few days ago as reported by Malaysiakini. According to Malaysiakini, the…

Day of reckoning for Kajang folk

The political drama over this Sunday’s by-election is about to come to the moment of truth as Kajang voters prepare to elect their new wakil rakyat. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK…

Selangor’s three woes

Problems should be ironed out immediately by the Pakatan Rakyat state government in Selangor if they want to continue governing. Otherwise, who knows what will happen in GE14? Selena Tay, FMT…

It has politics written all over it

Lim Mun Fah, Sin Chew Daily Almost a hundred vessels and aircraft from 26 nations launched the largest ever SAR mission for a missing plane in human history, encompassing millions of square…

Rumour-mongers and the social media

Khaw Veon Szu, fz.com MORE than 100 years ago, American author Mark Twain claimed: “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” If Mark Twain were…

Media grasping at straws

June H.L. Wong, The Star WHEN a French journalist raises questions about family ties between the Prime Minister and his Defence and Acting Transport Minister, you know the foreign media is…

Embracing the spirit of diversity

They do not understand why Muslims object to Christians using the term “Allah” or why Christians have to be so confrontational as to take a religious matter to court. Joceline Tan, The Star…

Daulat – a quibble about words?

VI. Clive Kessler, New Mandala Just a quibble about words? A gift to knaves? On being shown an early draft of this analysis, a leading Malaysian lawyer responded that he doubted whether…

Real reason for Hindraf-BN MoU failure

This institutionalised racism is the most damaging legacy that BN rule has left the country. It is now so embedded in the civil service that it can hold politicians – even the prime minister…

Kajang Move: Will it succeed?

The focus of issues will decide the election result. If Pakatan is not careful, they may lose a battle they look set to win. Selena Tay With eight days more to go before polling on Sunday,…

Hospitality will carry on

Tunku Abidin, The Malay Mail A job in the sky has long been regarded as an exciting prospect.  After Merdeka, many daughters of Malaya’s aristocratic elites sought jobs as glamorous…

A place in the sun for everyone

There will be dif­ferences of opinion in how to proceed but leaders, especially politicians, must grow out of the habit of thinking that their adversaries are automatically wrong or less patriotic…

The haze is caused by our own hands

Current deterrent sentences are not good enough and the authorities seem powerless to stop open burning in the Klang Valley. Brian Martin, The Star THE dreaded Klang Valley haze has returned…