The difference between Najib and Mahathir

The Pakatan crowd has been scolding people opposed to Mahathir for being selfish and idealistic, but a selfless realist will see Najib as the lesser evil. Sebastian Loh, Free Malaysia Today It’s…

Ripples over stripping of titles

That is the trouble with many Pakatan leaders – they do not understand how the palace works. Whether you like it or not, in states where there are royal houses, the menteri besar candidate needs the…

No choice, no vote

What the younger voters should do is to start something like a Green Party movement, a third force, as the alternative and cast their votes. Spoilt votes does not help build a nation, it’s an…

Poor showing

Summing up BN's performance over the past five years, it has done reasonably well in infrastructure development but has made practically zero progress in policy adjustments, putting the overall…

The truth is out there

In the 2013 general election, 108 out of 133 seats won by Barisan Nasional came from rural seats. A total of 72 out of 89 seats won by Pakatan Rakyat came from urban and semi-urban seats – with…

The knives are out for Azmin

Joceline Tan, The Star IT is a good thing that Datuk Seri Azmin Ali is not a reactive personality, otherwise he would have exploded like a volcano at being called a "joker" who had "done…

When a lie snowballs out of control

Philip Golingai, The Star “Just watched on YouTube. Najib in Sabah and he asked the crowd – rakyat Sabah sokong siapa? (Sabahans support who?) The crowd answered – MAHATHIR!!” a former…

How to get better GE14 candidates

If Election 2013 was about voting along party lines, Election 2018 will be about candidates. Boo Su-Lyn, The Malay Mail Online During the 13th general election five years ago, the prevailing…

#UndiRosak: I hear you but don’t get you

If the opposition was “the lesser of two evils”, what is the substance that makes them “lesser”? It must surely be “good”!  Farouk A. Peru, The Malay Mail Online #UndiRosak buzz is sweeping…

Opening up a can of worms

From undersea tunnel to Ayer Hitam, a series of questions and doubts has emerged Tan Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily deputy editor-in-chief (The Star) - THE trend for P148 looks promising and it will…

Can Mahathir’s party win Malaysia?

PPBM seems to have made inroads among the young, but it will have to take on Umno in traditional Malay strongholds. Most importantly, it must manage its coalition partners. Wan Saiful Wan Jan, The…

The price of spoilt votes

Democracy is a long-winding journey that will only thrive with persistence and active participation by all. Giving up the constitutional right to vote will disrupt the democratic process, like…

In defence of #undirosak

Hafidz Baharom It seems that the brickbats have come out for the proponents of spoiling their vote, connected only in the use of a Twitter hashtag. Ramon Navaratnam wrote today: “That is…

Hot belt of political sentiments

Joceline Tan, The Star THE ground has been rather too quiet for comfort. People are less keen to voice their political views as opposed to four or five years ago. Back then, people would…

Spotlight on the voice of youth

Wong Chun Wai, The Star THERE’S little point in venting our frustrations at politicians on social media if we are not registered as voters – it’s that simple. A staggering 3.8 million…

What about democracy within a party?

(MMO) - Democracy is not just about protecting a citizen’s right to protest against the government, but also about promoting the spirit of dissent within a political party itself, since state…

#undirosak matters

They do this because they care. If they really did not care, they’d won’t travel to a polling station. They’d be home, shopping online at Lazada. Praba Ganesan, The Malay Mail Online The…

Getting Malaysian history right

How many in this country are aware the Malayan Chinese community was the targeted recipient of the greatest brutality by the Japanese? Tan Siok Choo, The Sun Daily RECENTLY, a speaker at a…

When will they ever learn?

The assumption would be (a) I must have dressed in a sexy, revealing way to deliberately attract his attention or that of other males; (b) I acted in a flirtatious manner; and/or (c) I made…

Cash and clashing battle cries

Joceline Tan, The Star SABAH politician Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan was still recovering from surgery in hospital when he learnt of Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal’s comments about the opposition parties…