Malay tsunami from the east

Joceline Tan, The Star IF size does matter in politics, then PAS is definitely back in business after their epic gathering in Terengganu last weekend. Kuala Nerus town had never before seen…

Challenge from without

Are the dynamics about race and the chief minister’s post about to change again after 10 years of DAP holding the top job? Malays are now the majority group in the state and Pakatan politics has…

Redha, takdir dan tahfiz

Jangan kita terima begitu sahaja. Ini akan membawa kepada mentaliti palsu kerana ia bercanggah dengan Al-Quran. Farouk A Peru, Free Malaysia Today Pemikir kelahiran Algeria, Malik Bennabi…

Dr M fishes in Sarawak waters

“Your political partners like Lim Kit Siang do not deserve any welcome in Sarawak. He has criticised Sarawak for abusing our immigration powers. What do you mean abusing our autonomy? This is our…

A Proposal for Islam

By policing religion, the authorities are not really protecting it. They are only enfeebling their societies, raising hypocrites and causing many people to lose their faith in or respect for…

Beer and DAP’s questionable allies

In the end, DAP would have its voters trust Amanah as they once did of PAS. We should close our eyes, pinch our noses shut, stick fingers in our ears, and ignore all the warning signs. What could…

No more a DAP sanctuary

DAP leader Lim Kit Siang has declared that Melaka will fall to Pakatan Harapan even though his party in this historical state has been left standing on one leg ever since four of its seven YBs…

Feeding logic into the rumour mill

Thinking things through helps to sift out the truth, but that’s not what gossipmongers and their audiences really want.  Philip Golingai, The Star THERE are people out there who love…

Not just the beer

If it can't be held this year, chances are there we may not see another beer fest on this land next year and the years after that. Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily Why is the KL Better Beer…

A tough first year for PPBM

“Difficult” is probably an understatement to describe what Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) has gone through after a year of its inception. Ikhwan Zulkaflee, Berita Daily From…

Bringing it on in Johor

Mustafa Ali also claimed that Pakatan would not be able to defeat Barisan Nasional in the general election. His prediction is that Pakatan will win only 75 parliamentary seats in a best case…

Najib’s chequebook diplomacy

Beyond the optics and the controversy over 1MDB, however, the visit also revealed a side to Najib that will surely drive the opposition to further despair: he is proving to be a far better…

Populist Coalition

Professor Dr. P Sivamurugan, Merdeka-Online The story of Pakatan Harapan is that it is a coalition of a few political parties in the opposition that were left unregistered after DAP announced…

Winning the war of perception

That does not mean his detractors have given up because by yesterday morning, a fake photograph, doctored to show Najib kissing the hand of his host, was circulating on WhatsApp. The picture was…

PPBM, one year on

To the Malays, throwing out Najib is never an issue close to their hearts, but bringing down Umno could very much contravene their own interests. Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily Parti Pribumi…

You don’t speak Chinese?

I’m a Malaysian Chinese, not a Chinese from China. Michelle Chen, Free Malaysia Today While it would be nice to speak Chinese, one shouldn't be expected to speak the language just because…

Will Pakatan squabbling ever end?

Through the years, its leaders have made alliances, broken off alliances, and embraced former enemies. But inevitably and predictably, they turn on each other – see the Kajang move, their fight…