Anwar dah bankrap idea ke?

SD Salleh Nampaknya Anwar Ibrahim ni masih lagi memainkan isu Umno memberi PAS wang sebanyak RM90 juta. Kalau betul pun yang Umno memberi PAS wang sebanyak RM90 juta, jadi apa masalahnya? Satu…

Anwar, stop trying to convince us

Raja Sara Petra Anwar Ibrahim is really going overboard in trying to convince us that he is poised to take over as Malaysia’s next prime minister. He keeps announcing he is in discussions with…

THE MILLENNIALS: One Year of Pakatan

We hope Pakatan will buck-up and do more for the people, stop playing politics and just focus on The People’s wellbeing. The Rakyat had so much hope for Pakatan after 9th May 2018. Today Pakatan dah…