Mana ada mislead Parliament?

These people kuat sangat drama. Yang takde kata ada. Yang ada kata takde. Kalau tak sokong kerajaan umumlah awak dah jadi Ahli Parlimen Bebas. Pergi duduk sebelah Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah di kawasan…

Takiyuddin Hassan kena jawab

Hari ini Istana Negara mengumumkan yang Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, menzahirkan rasa dukacita dengan kenyataan yang dibuat di Parlimen pada Isnin…

Anwar Ibrahim mudah lupa

HOW EASILY THEY OBFUSCATE AND FORGET. LET’S REMIND THEM I was blissfully ensconced in my comfortable living room enjoying my hot mug of freshly brewed Robusta coffee and following the…

Ku Li leaves the government at last

(FMT) - Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh has become the first Umno representative to make clear his stand that he does not support the government – he has requested for a change of seating in…

Syed Saddiq: Drama Queen 2021

An open letter to Syed Saddiq While his lawyers handle his case, Syed Saddiq should continue doing his job as an MP, speaking for the people and pushing for the reforms promised by the previous…