UEC, Hudud and gay marriages

So, the Chinese educationists have to accept that. Maybe they cannot get their UEC. But then many other Malaysians also cannot get what they want as well. And all those others have accepted that…

Seriously, Mahathir?

Mahathir says he resigned as PM because “they” wanted to pull PPBM out of Pakatan Harapan and he did not agree to that. That is another lie. Mahathir resigned at 1.00pm and PPBM left Pakatan Harapan…

In defence of PAS-run states

Siew Loon Teoh and many of her ilk (orang-orang yang sewaktu dengannya) comment without understanding the background. To Siew Loon Teoh and many of her ilk, if a gorgeous woman gets raped, it is her…