“Privileges that are meant to raise the economic well-being of the Bumiputeras have been used to only enrich the elite and therefore widened the income disparity between the rich and the poor,” said…
Ramai orang terlalu beremosi bila bercakap tentang parti. Sebenarnya, yang penting bukanlah parti tetapi perjuangan. Tak salah sekiranya kita tukar parti asalkan kita taat kepada perjuangan. Dan…
So, if DAP, PKR and Pakatan Harapan can attack issues related to Malay interests, Malay rights and Islam, and label those people who talk about these issues as racists, extremists and Talibans, that…
Politicians love talking about korban or sacrifice, especially in this season of Hari Raya Haji. But no one practices that so-called korban (they want us, not themselves, to korban). They cannot…
So how can they claim they cannot find Jho Low and Nik Faisal when Hamid Bador is hiding Jho Low while Abu Kassim is hiding Nik Faisal? If they want to bring Jho Low and Nik Faizal back to Malaysia…
And if Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin had not agreed to Indonesia’s request for Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra to be arrested and sent back to Indonesia, until today no…
However, Jho Low said he would only agree to testify against Najib if he was not also charged and put on trial PLUS he need not return anything he stole. Mahathir could agree to Jho Low not being…
Melihat perkembangan dua tahun kebelakangan ini semenjak PRU14 pada bulan Mei 2018, nampaknya kaum Cina DAP sudah melampaui batas. Mereka menghina Melayu, Islam, Raja-Raja Melayu, Bahasa Melayu dan…
DAP has strange values. Their value system is based on what is best for DAP. Halal can become haram and haram can become halal as long as it is to the benefit of DAP. And DAP’s Tony Pua plus DAP…
Furthermore, if action is finally taken against Guan Eng and those other DAP leaders, they cannot complain since even leaders in the government, or leaders linked to the government, face that same…
Today, Najib has been korban. And maybe tomorrow Zahid as well. But the perjuangan is not about Najib or Zahid but about masa depan orang Melayu dan Islam. Forget that at your own peril. And that…
The voters gave Muhyiddin the mandate in the general election That means Muhyiddin is free to act as he sees fit. The power and authority has been transferred from the voters into Muhyiddin’s hands.…
So, what is Anwar talking about? Pakatan Harapan won GE14 not because of transparency, accountability, good governance, justice, human rights, civil liberties, freedom of speech, freedom or…
Anwar Ibrahim berkata hari ini dalam wawancaranya bersama Sin Chew Daily bahawa beliau percaya yang Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad akan menyerahkan jawatan perdana menteri kepadanya seperti yang…
Pakatan Harapan is trying to claim credit for this success (READ BELOW). But the truth is Pakatan Harapan was prepared to accept a far lower offer, which would have been less than half of what…
The irony of this whole episode is the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic took 123 Malaysian lives but it saved the lives of far more people who would have died in the riots and chaos just to make Anwar…
The Pakatan Harapan and Warisan people are the last people on earth who should be complaining about party hopping. Whatever the reason -- for noble or for personal reasons -- the fact remains they…
If it is true that Muhyiddin told the meeting they will entice Umno members of parliament to support the ouster of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan government by offering them…
Pakatan Harapan is so desperate to claim the moral high ground. They want Malaysians to see Pakatan Harapan as the innocent victim of an evil plot and foul conspiracy. And they want Malaysians to…
If not because of Najib, Mahathir would not have resigned as Prime Minister, Muhyiddin would not have pulled PPBM out of Pakatan, and the Agong would not have appointed Muhyiddin as PM8. Yes, that…
Ringkas cerita, every story that comes out of the mouths of the Pakatan Harapan people is a lie. Nothing they say is true. And whatever they do is not about the rakyat but about their personal…
All Art Harun has to do is to kick one or two Umno MPs out of the dewan the next time they stand up to speak out of turn. Pakatan Harapan will then sing his praises and will proclaim him Allah’s…
So, the Chinese educationists have to accept that. Maybe they cannot get their UEC. But then many other Malaysians also cannot get what they want as well. And all those others have accepted that…
Hello! Apek! Thambi! Not Umno lah! Mahathir! And who the fook kept Mahathir in power since 1981? Who the fook voted for Mahathir in May 2018? You Chinese and Indians created Mahathir and allowed him…
Mahathir says he resigned as PM because “they” wanted to pull PPBM out of Pakatan Harapan and he did not agree to that. That is another lie. Mahathir resigned at 1.00pm and PPBM left Pakatan Harapan…
And now Pakatan Harapan and its supporters say that is wrong. Why is it wrong? What’s so wrong about defending and fighting for your race, your religion, and the institution of the monarchy? Does…
Orang Melayu yang mengaku Melayu akan dipanggil rasis. Inilah strategi Pakatan Harapan, terutama sekali golongan yang bukan Melayu, untuk membuatkan orang Melayu malu nak mengaku Melayu. Sekiranya…
The appointment of Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof as the Parliament Speaker was not PKR’s or DAP’s choice. It was Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s choice. And Mahathir wanted Ariff so that he could block any…
And this is why Mahathir insisted on resigning and refused to withdraw his resignation and stay on as Prime Minster even when DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong persuaded him to do so.…
And let us not also forget Sarawak Report’s allegation that Najib Tun Razak was behind the murder of Kevin Morais and that he was murdered because he was involved in the 1MDB investigation. That…