Malaysia is about to explode

The Malay nationalist sentiments currently run very high, especially since this year. Most Malays consider themselves Malays and/or Muslims first and Malaysians second. And most Malays are of the…

Belanjawan 2020 banyak kelemahan

Zahida Zarik Khan, Ketua Pergerakan Puteri Umno Malaysia Adakah pihak kerajaan yakin yang mereka akan memperolehi RM300 billion untuk membiayai Belanjawan 2020 yang dibentangkan pada hari…

BN stole GST refunds, Guan Eng insists

Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng today maintained that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government “stole” refunds from the goods and services tax (GST) which should have been returned to businesses. (FMT) -…

Umno is doomed

This is going to be the second biggest act of persecution against its own citizens since the Nazi persecution of the Jews -- and similar to what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. They will use…

Al-kisah Nasi Lemak

Peruntukkan antara RM800 juta hingga RM1.67 bilion setahun akan dibelanjakan untuk melaksanakan Program Sarapan Percuma di semua sekolah rendah tahun depan, kata Menteri Pendidikan Maszlee Malik.…

Let’s call a spade a spade

I find it ironic that you call out other politicians for this when you are no better than those you are criticizing. Ethan Ho Syed Saddiq, we all hear your call to end of needless politicking on…