How press freedom is curbed in Malaysia

A government worth its salt should find ways to promote press freedom. Not seek means to curb it.  (TMI) - IN defending Malaysia’s recent press freedom ranking drop in the 2024 World Press…

Sarawak schools to use English

The use of English as a medium of instruction will be extended to secondary schools in Sarawak, says a state deputy minister. (The Star) - State Deputy Education, Innovation and Talent…

High hypocrisy at interfaith conference

Indeed, the very idea of an interfaith council – where all religious leaders sit together as equals to discuss issues of concern – is anathema to the Islamic establishment. Dennis Ignatius…

The Indian Dilemma in KKB

Indians are still seen as Indians by the PKR Malays and DAP Chinese while the PKR Malays and DAP Chinese still identify as Malays and Chinese respectively, despite asking the Indians to identify…