Party hoppers slap their own faces

It looks like a vote against their own betrayal of their voters. By saying aye, they have admitted that what they did was deplorable and cannot be tolerated by any decent electorate. (FMT) -…

How others look at the Malays

(KTEMOC KONSIDERS) - The Chinese schools and the Tamil schools have now become bright sparks on our education horizon (although up to primary level only). There are almost 100,000 Malay students…

How do you solve a problem like Tajuddin?

It’s one thing for the party to peddle new policies and claim it’s changed, it’s another thing entirely to undergo an actual transformation from within and prove it. (FMT) - It should have been…

Undecided voters will be key to GE15

Any voter apathy will play into the hands of the BN. The opposition has to motivate voters to turn out. The electoral turnouts for the last couple of state elections indicates low voter turnout may…