GISBH is an insolvent company

Some of the many SMEs associated with GISB received all sots of entrepreneurship grants from various government ministries over the last 5-7 years.  Were these grants obtained in a legitimate…

All calm in Penang DAP now, say observers

"The final leaders are those popular amongst committee members, not necessarily those popular amongst grassroots. Hence, the chairpersons are often not the top voters." (The Vibes) - Sim is the…

The undemocratic Democratic Action Party

What’s the point of holding party elections? The real power in the party is held by a few families who continue to influence who runs the party. Who the membership actually vote for is just…

Hajiji: A Moment to Seize

“High speed” has been the hallmark of the GRS government from the get-go. Selvaraja Somiah When Hajiji took over the reins of Sabah in September 2020, the state was staring into the abyss.…

History, propaganda are no bedfellows

“When a politician uses history to serve his political agenda, it is no more history but propaganda. (TMI) - DURIANS, pineapples, and now rock melons have become priorities to the Malacca…