‘Mais has gone overboard’

An opposition MP has taken Mais to task for showing utter disrespect over the Bible issue (Free Malaysia Today) - The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) has gone overboard in its…

‘Kassim strong, Jawi weak’

The department mocks justice in its case against the scholar, says Marina Mahathir (Free Malaysia Today) - Social activist Marina Mahathir today denounced the Federal Territories Religious…

MH370: Stop picking only on MAS

Politicians and the media should question the relevant authorities for answers and stop knocking on MAS' door Fabian Comelius, Free Malaysia Today All those seeking answers to the MH370…

Politics and religion

(Sin Chew) - Is Malaysia a secular or Islamic state? Or, is it a secular Islamic state as claimed by some people? Our founding father, the first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, had clearly…

‘Vote according to conscience’

(The Star) - MPs should vote according to their conscience in the Dewan Rakyat, not based on their parties’ ideologies. This will be the clarion call of Global Movement of Moderates Foundation…

Kassim takes on JAWI

He accuses it of dishonouring Islam and taking Malaysia to the brink of anarchy IN BAHASA MALAYSIA: Pak Kassim mengecam JAWI (Free Malaysia Today) - Malaysia appears to be at the “brink of…

Kassim Ahmad fights back

The case against the scholar will leave a bad impression on Muslims and Malaysia, say his lawyers in a letter to the PM IN BAHASA MALAYSIA: Kassim Ahmad lawan balik (Free Malaysia Today) -…

Malaysia is secular, say MCA wings

(The Rakyat Post) - Claims that Malaysia is not a secular state, made by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, have come under fire from two wings within MCA.…