The meltdown of Malaysian institutions

(TMI) - There was a time when Malaysia was known for its institutions – a civil service that facilitated rapid development from an agrarian economy to an industrialised one, a judiciary that was…

Should National Service be discontinued?

( - What they will gain once they finish the training? SINCE its inception in 2004, the National Service (NS) programme have been under scrutiny from all sides as it has been plagued…

All right to use Allah

(The Sun Daily) - Non-Muslims in Selangor can use the word "Allah" as long as they do not use it to propagate their religion to Muslims, Selangor executive councillor for Islamic affairs Sallehin…

DAP seeks BN help to derail hudud

Only 25 more MPs are needed to reject the private member's bill on hudud in Kelantan (FMT) - DAP will seek the support of non-Muslim MPs from Barisan National to oppose the private member’s…

Lajim Ukin denies misusing funds

(Rakyat Post) - Sabah Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) liaison chief Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin is accused of misusing funds, just weeks before the party election. But he described the allegations made…

Saifuddin stands by his claim

(Rakyat Post) - Datuk Saifuddin Nasution today stood by his statement made last week on Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) being a Malay-based party. Speaking to media after a press conference at…

Time to re-look law, say politicians

(The Star) - Parliament has been urged to legislate and resolve the longstanding conflict between the rights of a convert and his former spouse, especially when it encompasses the rights and…