Lessons from the latest ‘Allah’ row

(TMI) - Some things we learned from the latest spat over the “Allah” issue. 1) The death of peacemakers Blessed are the peacemakers, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Well, there are…

Police To Summon Father Lawrence

(Bernama) - The police will record The Herald editor Father Lawrence Andrew’s statement following a report lodged against him for his remarks over the word Allah. But Selangor Police chief Mohd…

MACC begins probe on Merc purchase

(Fz.com) - The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has started probing the Penang State Government’s purchase of a Mercedes-Benz for chief minister Lim Guan Eng. It is understood that…

New man at helm of PKNS

Azlan Md Alifiah is said to be under the "tutelage" of KPSB chairman and KDEB advisor Raja Idris Raja Kamarudin (the brother of fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin). Terence Fernandez, fz.com…