I will cooperate, says Ismail Sabri

(The Rakyat Post) - Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob is ready to cooperate with the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) following his statement on the price of…

PAS dan pilihan raya PBT

(Astro Awani) - PAS sejak lama menolak pilihan raya PBT. Ia bukan pendirian peribadi presiden PAS. Jika ada yang menganggapnya sebagai pendapat peribadi dan bukan pendirian rasmi parti, maka ia…

Asri to return as Perlis mufti

(The Star) - Controver­sial and influential ulama Prof Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin will return as Perlis mufti on Monday for a second stint after six years. He will fill the spot vacated…