Hudud Bill: New Malay dilemma

How will Muslim MPs vote on the private member's bill on hudud if PAS goes ahead with it? (Free Malaysia Today) - Hudud is back in the headlines, this time with a greater vengeance than in most…

Can Noah be banned for being un-Islamic?

(Nut Graph) - Will screening Noah jeopardise national security or friendly relations with other countries? Will it seriously endanger public order or public morality? Is it defamatory? Will it…

PKR may haul up Azmin and Saifuddin

(The Star) - PKR deputy president candidates Azmin Ali and Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail will be hauled up by the party election committee over their recent media interviews, which allegedly…

Karpal Singh dies in car accident

(The Star) - DAP leader Karpal Singh died after the vehicle he was travelling in was involved in a crash near Gopeng, Perak on the North-South highway at 1.30am. It was believed that…