DAP says NO to hudud

(FMT) - PAS is facing resistance from their own ally in a bid to table a private member’s bill in Parliament seeking to introduce hudud in Kelantan. Selangor DAP Deputy Chairman and…

Will Salleh allow motion on oil?

Bingkor assemblyman Jeffrey Kitingan has tabled three motions including a move seeking to debate the Malaysia Agreement 1963 Calvin Cabaron, FMT Borneo+ The Sabah State Legislative…

MCA: Penang’s CAT out of the bag

(FMT) - Pakatan Rakyat-led Penang state government must explain its failure to practise competency, accountability and transparency (CAT) in its administration and owes Penangites an explanation,…

Karpal slams Umno for hudud support

The DAP leader accuses Kelantan Umno of trying to gain political mileage by supporting the implementation of hudud in PAS-led Kelantan (FMT) - DAP’s Karpal Singh today slammed Kelantan Umno for…

‘Anwar will politicise anything’

(Bernama) - “Anwar will politicise any issue.” These were the words of Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor responding to Anwar Ibrahim’s claim that the government was…