That is called survival and pragmatism. Pakatan Harapan wants to wipe PAS out. However, if PAS supports Muhyiddin Yassin or Parti Pribumi Bersatu, Pakatan Harapan can be wiped out instead and PAS…
The anti-government elements are hoodwinking Malaysians into believing that Malaysia is a FAILED STATE or KERAJAAN GAGAL. It is not. Malaysia does not even come close to being a FAILED STATE or…
Why all this pusing-pusing talk? If Umno truly no longer supports the government, then just announce that Umno is resigning from the government and be done with it. No need to go meet the Agong to…
Umno should have asked all its people to resign from the Cabinet and the GLCs first, and then launch the “Kerajaan Gagal” campaign. Then Umno would not be blamed for the so-called “Kerajaan Gagal”.…
Yes, Malaysians are being asked to oust what Pakatan Harapan calls a failed government so that Pakatan Harapan can form a new government together with this failed government. That certainly makes a…
Yes, “Kerajaan Gagal”, “Rakyat Menderita”, 800,000 Malaysians are unemployed, and then Malaysia has 3.5 million foreign workers and still needs another one million because it is not enough.
It’s actually very simple and can be settled in just one minute. Say yes to those three terms and it will be a done deal. No need to talk so much, pusing sini, pusing sana. Umno will be Prime…
Pakatan Harapan is condemning the government on the slow vaccination exercise. Actually, this criticism is based on ignorance. Maybe Malaysians can read the latest (May 2021) BBC report below to…
Thus far, Khairy Jamaluddin has done a good job at rebutting the fake news and false allegations from the anti-government elements in Umno and Pakatan Harapan. But more needs to be done. The Prime…
Did the police lie about seizing RM1.1 billion in cash and valuables or did they really seize RM1.1 billion in cash and valuables but more than half has been stolen while under the custody of Bukit…
The Malaysian yardstick of “Kerajaan Gagal” is how long it takes to withdraw your EPF money and how many months loan repayment moratorium you are granted. My yardstick for “Kerajaan Gagal” is wider…
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Two days ago, Malaysia Today revealed that former Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng had asked former Attorney-General Tommy Thomas to bury 346 cases…
Raja Petra Kamarudin
First of all, in the UK, you must turn up for your appointment at the precise time you are given and not a minute earlier. If you turn up early you will be made to stand…
But what is even more shocking is the revelation that former Attorney-General Tommy Thomas buried the cases against another 346 recipients of 1MDB’s money totalling more than RM307 million.
The Haj is not mandatory, it is to be performed only if you are able to. And since you need to boycott Saudi Arabia for its crime of dividing the Arabs, then consider the interests of the…
Political hegemony and big brother politics are a thing of the past. Malaysia is never going to see that era again. What lies ahead is fragmented politics and Malaysians divided by race, religion,…
Even an idiot would know Dr Mahathir will never in a million years allow Anwar to take over as prime minister. In 1988, Dr Mahathir killed Umno rather than allow Tengku Razaleigh to take over. And…
No, Azmin did not betray Pakatan Harapan, PKR and/or Anwar Ibrahim. Azmin acted in self-defence. In the army, they say: kill or be killed. And that is the doctrine which Azmin applied. And that…
Pakatan Harapan is trying to give the impression that the final say regarding who gets to form the government and who gets to become the prime minister lies in the hands of the voters. Nonsense! In…
HIV is highest in Kelantan, or amongst fishermen, not because of Islam or because of the PAS state government’s failure to run the state properly. It is because people do not practice safe sex or…
The perception is very bad. And at the end of the day, that is what matters, the perception. And much of this perception is not because of the infection and death figures (which are actually quite…
When PAS wants prostitution, gambling and drinking curbed, they attack PAS and say nasty things about PAS. When PAS does not push for the curbing of prostitution, gambling and drinking, they also…
Kluster anti-Muhyiddin cuba memberi gambaran bahawa semenjak satu tahun kebelakangan ini ada campur tangan politik di dalam urusan PDRM. Ini satu tuduhan yang mengarut. Dari dulu lagi sudah ada…
Today there is an exodus from the city. Malays are moving out of the city to return to the Malay heartland. And this is what GE15 or PRU15 is going to look like. So DAP and PKR had better be scared,…
So, all this cock-and-bull story that Hamid Bador was appointed the IGP so that he could reform and clean up an extremely corrupt police force is mere cock-and-bull. Hamid Bador’s appointment was…
Yes, this was in 1951, 70 years ago and six years before Merdeka. And 70 years ago the Special Branch was already a political weapon for Umno and the then Prime Minister-in-waiting, Tunku Abdul…
Many assume that the younger voters will vote PKR and DAP -- or, in short, will vote anti-government. That theory has not been tested yet and it will only be tested in GE15 once the 18-year-old to…
As what Lokman Noor Adam said many times, Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin is the real stumbling block. He is the one making it difficult to oust Muhyiddin. Hence, they must first get rid of Hamzah…
So why all this brouhaha today? Anwar Ibrahim, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, Lim Guan Eng, and all those PKR and DAP leaders who for 40 years have accused the Malaysian police of serving the political…
A very powerful politician had interfered in the police investigation on the 1MDB matter and had ordered Hamid to drop the case against Zeti and just pursue the case against Najib. Who was this…