Azmin appointed DPM after CNY?

A political war could breakout after CNY .... Another Brick in the Wall There is a controversy going on in Kelantan. For many reasons, PAN is against the appointment of Dato Seri Azmin as…

The UMNO Omertà

KTemoc Konsiders More than 10 years ago, during the tenure of PM AAB but towards its end, I penned that we might have underestimated AAB. I then believed there was in Malaysia an unjustified…

Malaysian Malaysia colonialism

Life of Annie My friend argued that supporters of the ideology which primary aim is to deny the special rights of bumiputera as enshrined in the constitution are now poised to reshape the country.…

The cry of Mahafiraun to return

Another Brick in the Wall The political nonsense continues today... All it needs is a political spin to exaggerate or create a fiction beyond reality to the level of nonsense.…

“Calm” before the storm

How can you tell people to keep calm when they are angry? It’s a stupid thing to say Ktemoc Konsiders MM Online - Malay confidence in Pakatan hinges on pace of action after fireman’s death …

Is it really over for Zaid Ibrahim?

That is Malaysian politics for you. View everything ahistorically, and then selectively when it suits your agenda. I think the real issue here was not that Zaid attacked Mahahtir (photo) or Daim,…

The future for UMNO

To run against Pakatan Harapan is not too difficult. Look at their Manifesto and you can tell it was written by idealists and academics who painted a picture of hope for an equal and egalitarian…

No Messiah of Malays

KTEMOC KONSIDERS NST - 'Can Malays, Bumis compete if 3 million Chinese nationals come here?' (extracts): KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad voiced his fear that Malays and the Bumiputera…

Malaysian Half-Breed

KTEMOC KONSIDERS The online dictionary tells us that the term: half-breed Disparaging and Offensive. noun a contemptuous term used to refer to the offspring of parents of…