Bila Lembu Bersuara

SeaDemon Says Setelah didapati bersalah melanggar undang-undang, khususnya Akta Bank dan Institusi-Institusi Kewangan, 1989 (BAFIA), Rafizi terus mencari simpati dan sokongan di media sosial…

How the opposition operates

Salleh Said Keruak The Employees Provident Fund, EPF, has just announced its highest dividend pay out in a very long time. As expected, the opposition immediately responded by calling it an…

Can you trust PKR? Ever?

KTemoc Konsiders In the aftermath of an intra-Pakatan squabble about Azmin Ali (PKR) buat ta'tahu on the very important issue of state seat allocation, and allegedly lying that PKR has already…

Who spoilt votes in GE13?

Because there is no analysis of spoilt votes. If they do so, some will be very happy because #UndiRosak is a new cloak they can use to cover their cheating. Rest Stop Thoughts ANYONE who has…

Retorting Nurul’s satire

Dear Ms Nurul Izzah You talked about reformasi and justice. You talked about change. You portrayed as if we the people of Malaysia were to give you a chance, you would create a utopia, where…

Who wants to be DPM Malaysia?

The term 'poisoned chalice' means 'an assignment, award, or honour which is likely to prove a disadvantage or source of problems to the recipient.' KTemoc Konsiders It would seem that in…

Mahathir: Father of all U-turns

Sebastian Loh, Malaysia Impact “I admit many left or stopped supporting UMNO when I left. Now that I am back, and if they think that my struggle is good, they too must come back to UMNO.” – …

Only DAP member with balls

KTemoc Konisders FA Abdul (I so love her name Fatimah), one of my fave columnists, has the following to say in Malaysiakini in her article Sangeet, you have my absolute respect: Two days…

Reformasi Untuk Mahathir

SeaDemon Says Mahathir’s return to politics in 1973 was watched closely by other races, in particular the Chinese and Indians.  His meteoric rise to the Deputy Prime Minister’s post in 1976 was…

Drama Kera La

SeaDemon Says Recently, a video clip of how China is fulfilling its hegemonic ambitions using economic means was spread around especially in Facebook and WhatsApp groups.  The video compares…

Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi

KTemoc Konsiders In An open letter to Mahathir Mohamad (see MM Online), Johari Abdul Ghani, who is Malaysia's Finance Minister II and also a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified…

The still unsettled Pakatan

Salleh Said Keruak Today, Pakatan Harapan said next month it hopes to announce its candidate for Prime Minister but it may have to be a temporary PM. After all this while Pakatan is still…

The Pick And Choose Patriot

SeaDemon Says It is bad enough that there is a large number of non-Malays who do not have good command of the Malay language despite it being the National Language, and despite this nation’s…

Can Umno change?

Sebastian Loh, Malaysia Impact If the year were 1999, I’d almost certainly be voting for DAP. Anything but Umno. Growing up in the ’80s and ’90s, I was always repulsed by Umno’s shameless…

My two-line tweet

Zaid Ibrahim First I received a scathing royal rebuke from the Sultan of Selangor for my now-infamous tweet. UMNO also took full opportunity to gain political mileage—they went to town burning…

Trump paves way for Third Temple

KTemoc Konsiders The Eastern sector of Jerusalem was captured by Israel in the 1967 six-day war and because of the city's religious significance to Jews, annexed almost immediately by Israel…

Mahathir & Anwar: Partners in crime?

Sebastian Loh, Malaysia Impact How can we tell if Pakatan leaders are genuinely committed to reform, and they’re not out to con us? Simple, we observe their reaction to the following: Mahathir…

DAP’s darkest moment of non-principle

PH has just officially nominated its erstwhile enemy, a 93-year old former dictator with many alleged misdeeds yet to be properly accounted for, as its PM-designate. How sad and pathetic PH is.…