Corruption, Cronyism, Nepotism

SeaDemon Says The above title consists of the very words that are being used by the Opposition, from the days of the Barisan Alternatif through its current form, the Pakatan Harapan. Those…

Malaysia’s Namby-Pamby Najib Razak

The Government should have been the very first authority to tick off the laundrette owner. It’s a real shame that the Sultan had to step in and do the Government’s job. Kee Thuan Chye What…

To each his own

A non-Muslim should never interfere in Islamic affairs when it doesn't involve nor affect him, her or family, whilst a Muslim should also observe likewise. KTemoc Konsiders The Malaysian…

What Is The DAP Afraid Of?

SEADEMON SAYS “Bla bla bla bla bla…” In a somewhat anticipated move, Emperor Lim Kit Siang has come to the defence of his breadwinner, Tokong Lim Guan Eng. In an article published by…

What Illegal Detention?

SeaDemon Says “Bos! SPRM manyak bagus. Kasi gua free t-shirt!” In another blatant attempt to paint a bad picture on the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commision (MACC), lawyer and also DAP…

What is Kit Siang’s strategy?

Salleh Said Keruak Lim Kit Siang realises that Pakatan Harapan’s strategy is not working. He initially thought that the PAS breakaway party, PAN, and the Umno breakaway party, PPBM, would be…

Mari Bantah Penjualan Negara

SeaDemon Says Seronok melihat semangat patriotik rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan tanah air dan bangkit bersuara membantah penglibatan negara luar dalam projek-projek raksasa di Malaysia.…


PENDEDAHAN PANAS OLEH FACEBOOKER Yusman Zahari Zakaria Teka teki mengenai jumlah keahlian Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) terdedah dengan satu foto yang sedang tular di media sosial.…

Kapal Selam Kerala Kena Tembak Lagi

SeaDemon Says Bising FELDA akhirnya tertangkap ambil komisyen juak hotel felda ialah Zahid Md Arip Pemimpin Pusat Parti Bunga Raya…kini mula terdedah pula kes kapal selam rupanya Mahathir dan…