Why Mahathir’s race matters

(Malaysia Impact) - The social media outrage squads are going after Deputy PM Zahid Hamidi for highlighting Mahathir’s Indian ancestry. Big deal. Anwar also made jibes against Mahathir’s parentage…

Insider Submarine Trading?

So was the plan for Perimekar laid out like a carpet a while before the then Prime Minister gave the go ahead to work out a submarine program for the RMN? Seademon Najib Razak’s reply to Wan…

Zuraidah denied involvement in UNISEL

Her denials indicate she is washing her hands from Azmin. Denial of "involvement' could only raise suspicion of something not right happening in UNISEL Another Brick in the Wall Zuraidah…

Kerala Militant Torpedoed

SeaDemon Says You know the next general election is going to be a dirty one when old issues are brought back ad infinitum despite being repeatedly shot down. The latest issue that is…

Many Malaysians Are Still Monkeys

SeaDemon Says Back in the 1970s and at least until the 1980s people in Europe thought that Malaysians live on trees.  That statement still holds true for the many whom have yet to evolve from…

Malaysia Will Go To Top Dog

SEADEMON SAYS Not too long ago Al Jazeera interviewed U-Turn Mahathir. In the interview Mahathir told all sorts of lies about the politico-economic situation of Malaysia.  Among the things he…

For grubby politics, not for justice

KTemoc Konsiders MM Online - Penang says won’t sign Corruption-Free Pledge as it lacks faith in MACC (extracts): Dr Ramasamy has been absolutely right to distrust MACC which has been talking…

DAP Caught Lying Again – Part 2

SeaDemon Says Hot on the DAP heels again after catching them with their pants down lying about the tunnel consultancy fees. Now, we go back to the question of the validity of the CEC. The…

DAP Caught Lying Again

SeaDemon Says Works Minister Fadillah Yusof today issued a statement revealing that DAP Pulau Pinang’s Exco member Chow Kow Yeow had lied again about the cost of the consultation fees paid for…

DAP: Dastardly Arrogant Party

SeaDemon Says As anticipated, the Tokong has announced that there is no need for a fresh CEC election despite being directed to hold one by the ROS. In a bid to save his post and the…

DAP: Dictators Asphyxiate Party

SeaDemon Says On 12 November 1933, even with the Nazi party as the sole political party contesting in a German parliamentary election seeking to endorse Hitler’s plan to remilitarise the…