The Running Serial Convict

SeaDemon Says Today, His Majesty The Sultan of Selangor attended the Selangor Hari Raya Open House held at the MPAJ field in Pandan Indah.  In attendance was the Menteri Besar of Selangor,…

PKR reform credentials in deep doubt

He can say anything prior to an election and you bet he would, wakakaka, but there is no iron-clad guarantee the so-called Pakatan reform agenda will be met after the election. KTemoc Konsiders…

House built on sand?

KTemoc Konsiders One of my fave columnists, Zan Azlee, penned a most interesting, relevant and important article in Malaysiakini titled The opposition must tell us who we’re voting for. I…

Selamat Hari Raya, PM Ke-7

Although Kit Siang is just a member of the DAP’s Central Executive Committee and nothing more, he is the hidden hand behind the CEC and especially his son, Lim Guan Eng (Tokong) who is the party’s…

Sodom dalam Selimut

KTemoc Konsiders Many years ago a joke yet not a joke went around a place in Australia where I worked, that one out of every eight men Down-Under was gay. Strangely, many Aussies themselves…

Lim Kay Kiang

SeaDemon Says Kay Kiang is a Hokkien term to describe someone who acts smarter than he really is. So Lim Kit Siang is actually Lim Kay Kiang.  His parting shot for Friday’s Twitter was to ask…

Tergum Ictus

SeaDemon Says Raja Petra asks if Shahrir Samad is Isa Samad’s real target? Just a few minutes ago I received a copy of a press statement from the Prime Minister’s Officer stating that…

The Greatest Malaysian Misleader

SeaDemon Says Delusional old crap The above is an extract from an interview of a psychopathic and delusional old man by the Nikkei Asian Review yesterday.  He said that he had never abused…

Auld Lang Swine

SeaDemon Says I have no respect for the perfidious people above.  I have no respect for people who leave their party and form or join another and go against their former party. Nor do I…

Defence: All Is Fair In The RMAF

SeaDemon Says “Good iron doesn’t make nails, good men don’t make soldiers.” That is the old Chinese adage which is still probably true especially for the Malaysian Chinese today.  It is the same…

Crocodile tears: Mahathir and Proton

It is better for Malaysia to own 50.1% of a company that has chance to survive and have a market of 1.43 billion people than to own 100% of a company that is on the verge of bankruptcy and losing…