Detik “Kematian” Ezam

Ezam mungkin perlu menghabiskan pilihan raya umum akan datang dalam penjara bersama-sama dengan Rafizi Ramli dan Tony Pua. Ini kerana dia telah ‘tertangkap’ kerana memalsukan Minit EGM yang tidak…

Mahathir to leave divided PPBM

(Another Brick in the Wall) - The latest Raja Petra posting, Mahathir is second-fiddle to Kit Siang, talks about Mahathir being used by Lim Kit Siang to do what he knows best - to destroy. The…

DAP Uses MCA to ‘Screw’ UMNO?

Ahmad Ali Karim Ever since the proposed amendment of Act 355 was tabled on the 26th of May 2016, DAP and its allies including supposedly Muslim parties had strongly opposed the amendment to…

Tokong Ka Li Kong

Anwar Ibrahim promised the residents of Kampung Buah Pala that he would speak to the Chief Minister-designate and, within two weeks, officers from the Chief Minister-designate’s office would…

How the RUU355 is unconstitutional

SeaDemon Says What everyone fears most is for the Malays to unite.  I wrote this a few months back.  All the lawmakers know that the RUU355 amendments have no impact whatsoever to the…

Hitler was also a patriot

Salleh Said Keruak Some people claim they are criticising the Prime Minister and are running down the country out of patriotism. Most historians agree that Adolf Hitler was also a patriot and…

coup de maître

SeaDemon Says Many would have thought that President Rodrigo “The Punisher” Duterte of the Philippines as a difficult man to come to a deal with. When the President visited Malaysia last…