Constitutionally Illiterate!

Ahmad Ali Karim “We cannot accept Shariah law, for Malaysia already has a supreme law, which is the Federal Constitution. Article 4 of the Constitution declares it simply: ‘This Constitution is…

Superman Hew is role model for the RBA

(Tanjak) - Lim Kit Siang has admitted that the verbal abuse directed at Rosmah Mansor by ‘DAP Superman’ is crude and severely bitter. “Vulgar, vituperative and vitriolic” sure sounds like hate,…

Has the opposition failed us?

(Malaysia Impact) - One of the big surprises this month is Bersih secretariat member Mandeep Singh Karpall Singh’s searing criticism of the opposition. Writing in Malaysiakini, he bluntly states…

Kit Siang No.1 Racist – Part 1

SeaDemon Says The Malays don’t forget easily. Only Malays who have not experienced it will forget. The non-Malays would sure forget. The title above is based on a quote made in 2013 by…

Kit Siang No.1 Racist – Part 2

SeaDemon Says We have read yesterday how a selectively absent-minded person has forgotten how racist Lim Kit Siang is.. Lim Kit Siang can try distance himself from the 13 May 1969 incident…

Not So Brave Now

SeaDemon Says Courtesy of Dr Aznil Hisham Raveentharan a/l V Subramaniam, former Parti Keadilan Rakyat state assemblyman for Batu Uban in Pulau Pinang is in hot soup after the…

RUU 355: No harm, no foul

The Hadi Awang private member’s bill is on the order paper and may be debated in the House this session after government matters are concluded By Dr Kamarul Zaman Yusoff, Tanjak A number…

The DAP-led Pakatan Ali Baba

Salleh Said Keruak The perception that the opposition tried to create is that Pakatan is a Malay-led coalition and not a DAP-led coalition. This, however, has been proven to be a fallacy as it…

Father of Proton the Woolly Mammoth

(Tanjak) - The sudden sale of MV Agusta Motors was a political death warrant bearing the legend ‘Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’ — signed by the PM’s tormentor, the Doctor in the House. Proton had…

If not Anwar, then who?

KTemoc Konsiders FMT - Anwar never planned to unseat Mahathir, Azmin tells court (extracts): KUALA LUMPUR: Anwar Ibrahim never had the intention of toppling Dr Mahathir Mohamad as Umno…