The cover-up of BNM’s forex loss

By Salahuddin Hisham, The Mole In the last column, “Mystery surrounding Bank Negara’s forex loss”, there was one question raised that needed to be answered and clarified: “Were MAS and MISC…

Tun, be fair to yourself

Hezeri Samsuri Dearest Tun Dr Mahathir, Hope you are in the best of health and continue to contribute remarkably to our nation building. Somehow I know that this day may come – the day that…

What the doctor is not telling DAP

(TANJAK) - “Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” — Friedrich Nietzsche DAP calls Najib Razak a monster. The party…

Be A Peacemaker

I don’t have to agree with the proposed amendments but I have to defend the rights given to the Muslims to manage their own religious affairs as I would to other religions as well. Sea Demon…

Karma catches up with Kit Siang

Tanjak Dapsters are living in a self-delusionary dystopia created by their Dear Leaders. There’s really nothing that epitomizes the topsy-turvy world of Orwell’s 1984 novel more than the…

Kit Siang Blames UMNO For Everything

SeaDemon Says DAP Emperor and Pakatan Harapan Overlord Lim Kit Siang has blamed UMNO for conducting ‘black ops‘ to cause an implosion inside Melaka DAP after four senior Melaka party members…


KTemoc Konsiders I know some of you in recent times don't like, nay, in fact hate RPK when once you had adored him, wakakaka. You said he has changed but isn't that his right of freedom of…

Lim Kit Siang in wrong company

Lim Kit Siang in his nyanyok obduracy has f**k-ed up DAP kau kau for the coming election vis-a-vis Malay voters. KTemoc Konsiders MM Online - Umno putting crown on DAP to thwart Malay…

This is just the beginning for DAP

Salleh Said Keruak The resignation of the four DAP representatives from Melaka proves what many have known for some time: which is the DAP grassroots leaders are not happy about Lim Kit Siang…

Apa Yang Strategiknya?

SeaDemon Says Sibuk golongan yang kurang kebolehan berfikir memainkan sentimen kerajaan menjual aset strategik pertahanan negara kepada negara luar akibat 1MDB dan kerakusan terhadap wang.…

Ah Jib Gor Xiānshēng

To deny them their desired education would be akin to sending them a signal they would be 'suppressed' culturally, intellectually, socially and economically - hardly a message to warm them towards…

Chinese Chauvinism & Malay Pig

Apply that frame of Malay chauvinism to a Chinese and it doesn’t make sense in any nationalist way. On the contrary, the Chinese chauvinist is considered to be the embodiment of  disloyalty.…

Simple Q & A for Dapster dummies

TANJAK FACT: Only six percent of non-bumiputera students enrol in sekolah kebangsaan. Meanwhile, 90 percent Malaysian Chinese parents choose to send their children to Chinese medium-schools.…

Rindukan Zaman Mahathir?

SeaDemon Says Ada saja yang mengeluh mengenai harga barang serta nilai Ringgit yang tidak seperti zaman Tok Kadok.  Tidak kurang juga yang membandingkan bagaimana harga rokok pada zaman…

If Sabah can do it, why not Sarawak?

By Fatihah Jamhari, Tanjak This year, Malaysia will celebrate the 60th anniversary of its independence. As a nation, its citizens have notched up many accomplishments and Malaysia’s prowess in…