Mahathir is stuck in the past

Salleh Said Keruak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's remarks show that he is still thinking 'old school' and does not realise that the world has changed since the time he was Malaysia's Prime Minister…

Mahathir needs to be consistent

Salleh Said Keruak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's latest blog posting shows his inconsistency and his lack of understanding regarding the meaning of FDI. He also does not understand sovereignty.…

Pakatan’s internal problems

KTemoc Konsiders Malaysiakini - Opposition’s challenges in overthrowing the kleptocratic regime by Commander (retd) S Thayaparan (brief extracts) I read this comment piece about game…

What lies ahead of us in 2017

Salleh Said Keruak 2017 promises to be a most unpredictable and probably 'dangerous' year for the entire world. The conflict in the Middle East, if the ceasefire cannot hold, will escalate into…

Be an honourable team player

At times it can be quite annoying that some want ‘authority’ but not the accompanying ‘responsibility’ or even not realising there’s an accountable ‘responsibility’ with that ‘authority’.…

Bila Otak Dah Mereput

SeaDemon Says Semalam, ketua songlap negara menyatakan bahawa pengambilan BR1M adalah merupakan suatu perbuatan rasuah dan adalah salah di sisi undang-undang. Umum tahu walaupun pemberian…

Are you serious, Mahathir?

Salleh Said Keruak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad made a most astonishing statement that BR1M tantamount to corruption and is therefore illegal or a crime from the point of law. Mahathir's…

Ambiga mudah lupa?

KTemoc Konsiders MM Online on Ambiga querying writing of "new" history of Malaysia: I wonder who started it first, this creative writing or re-writing of Malaysian history? Maybe Ambiga…

Praising Mahathir?

KTemoc Konsiders Naturally I have never like UMNO though a few of its MPs/ministers have been OK in my eyes, people like former Deputy Minister for Higher Education Saifuddin Abdullah (who was…

Tun Dr Fitnah

LSSReport Mahathir just issued a statement to attack MCA today. As usual, he recycles his allegations and laces it with lots of lies. Let's count these lies. Tun Dr M's statement in italics…

DAP running scared of Najib

Umno President and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s declaration that the next General Election will be between a Malay Umno-led BN and a Chinese DAP-led Pakatan Harapan have left DAP…

Pengemis Jalanan

SeaDemon Says Begitulah kata-kata seorang bekas pejuang bangsa Melayu yang pernah menggelarkan DAP sebagai ‘bapa segala rasis.’ “Malah dalam pertemuan saya dengan pimpinan DAP, mereka…